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Cupid Approved Bouquets


Dozen Roses

12 Roses, Symbolizing completeness and eternal love, a dozen roses carry a timeless message. Choose from classic red for love, white for purity, pink for admiration


The pinks

a charming and graceful arrangement of 8 pink roses paired with soft pink carnations and delicate fillers. This bouquet is a celebration of confidence, desire, and elegance, crafted to express heartfelt emotions with timeless beauty.


Dozen Black Roses

Bold, mysterious, and undeniably captivating, dozen black roses, Symbolizing mystery, rebirth, and the celebration of uniqueness, black roses make a striking choice for those who dare to stand out. They’re perfect for expressing deep emotions


50 Roses

50 Roses, A symbol of unconditional love, limitless devotion, or monumental gratitude. Choose from classic red for passion, pink for admiration, white for purity, or any color to suit the occasion.

Valentines Day

Celebrate Love with Flowers That Speak from the Heart

We love Love  

Celebrate love with Over The Moon Florist! Our Valentine’s Collection features breathtaking arrangements to make your day unforgettable. Want something truly unique? Contact us here, and let’s create a custom design that perfectly captures your love story!

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Love Bouquets