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  • Peachy Bouquet

Peachy Bouquet


the delicate beauty of our 'Peachy Bouquet,' a one-sided arrangement featuring white ranunculus, tulips, and peach gerberas, elegantly accented with dollar eucalyptus and wrapped in peach-colored paper. This bouquet symbolizes fascination, ambition, and spiritual awareness while conveying a sense of dreaminess, protection, renewal, growth, innocence, and purity. Perfect for celebrating life's serene moments and expressing heartfelt sentiments with grace and elegance.

  • To keep your flowers fresh and vibrant for as long as possible, change the water daily and place them in a cool room away from direct sunlight, heat sources, or drafts. Trim the bottom of the stems at an angle every few days if possible. You can also clean the vase, and add flower food or natural water disinfectants to help preserve their beauty.

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